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購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨、國際送貨 )

* Me Yo Nylon Tissue Case




Me Yo 大頭尼龍紙巾包,是日常生活中不可或缺的單品。 這款紙巾包採用尼龍材質,輕巧耐用,不易變形。 而且不會容易黏貓毛,清洗後很快就完全竿乾透 包身正面有一個大大的眼睛,十分可愛,讓人忍不住多看一眼。 包包後方可以收納紙巾,方便有需要的時候取出紙巾。 包包的前方有一個小小的口袋,可以放置零錢或卡片。 紙巾包的尺寸為 寬16高12公分,大小適中,可以輕鬆放入包包,口袋,或者是直接吊在包包外面 這款紙巾包的設計非常可愛,適合各種年齡層使用 它也是送禮的最佳選擇,送給朋友或家人,一定會讓他們開心不已。 **產品特色** * 採用尼龍材質,輕巧耐用,不黏貓毛,速乾面料! * 圖案的設計是大大的眼睛,十分可愛 * 前面有一個小小的口袋,可以放置零錢或卡片 * 尺寸為 16×12公分,大小適中,很好收納 * 可愛的設計,適合各種年齡層的使用者 We are excited to introduce our new arrival "Me and Yo Nylon Tissue Case" 😻😻 This tissue case features our iconic Me and Yo big head design, which we have elevated with several enhancements. The holder is crafted from high-quality nylon 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻, a material that is not only lint-resistant and lightweight, but also dries swiftly after washing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. It includes a zippered pocket, allowing for convenient storage of keys, coins, cosmetics and other small essentials, while the rear opening is designed to accommodate tissue papers. The clip-on functionality enables users to attach the holder securely to their handbag, ensuring accessible tissue availability during travel or child-care activities 👍🏻👍🏻. This versatile storage solution is an invaluable asset in the office, for childcare, and when traveling 🩷🩷. Dimensions: W16cm, H12cm. Material: 100% nylon
