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購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨、國際送貨 )

* Catsface Stone Pochette




前幾天我們上了一個新品,今天我們來一個上身圖 我發現這款包包上身的感覺比產品照好看得多了❤️❤️ 簡單的搭配T恤和外套,出來的感覺已經很亮✨✨ 經典的Me Yo 圖案,永遠不會過時👍🏻👍🏻 搭配褲子和裙子也很好看 除了能塑造休閒的感覺,也可以走甜美風🩷🩷 很百搭對吧 這個斜挎包除了加大了尺寸以外,我們還新增了抽繩內裡 容量加大之餘,安全感也提升了⬆️⬆️⬆️ 產品資訊: 100%純棉 高22 cm寬10 cm側寬6.5cm 顏色:卡其,黑色,粉紅 A few days ago, we launched a new product, I found that this bag looks much better on-body than in the product photos! ❤️❤️ It's simple to pair with a T-shirt and jacket, and the overall look is already very awesome! ✨✨ The classic Me Yo pattern never goes out of style! 👍🏻👍🏻 It looks great with both pants and skirts. Besides creating a casual vibe, it can also give off a sweet style 🩷🩷. It's very versatile, right? This crossbody bag we have not only increased the size, but we've also added a drawstring lining. Along with the increased capacity, the sense of security has also improved! ⬆️⬆️⬆️ **Product Information:** - 100% cotton - Height: 22 cm, Width: 10 cm, Side Width: 6.5 cm - Colors: Khaki, Black, Pink
