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* Catsface Stone Parka




我很高興向大家介紹我們的銷冠產品之一🩷🩷 我相信大家對這款產品已經非常熟悉了‼️‼️ 不過這次我們推出的是一款升級版😏😏 與之前有什麼不同⁉️⁉️ ✅剪裁更寬大 ✅領口改良,可以包住整個脖子,更保暖 ✅增加了更多細節工藝 ✅新增了一種顏色選擇 之前很多粉絲反映這款產品尺碼偏小, 所以我們也向日本總公司反映了大家的意見😍😍😍 日本總公司收到大家的建議後,馬上採取了行動😂😂😂 這次外套不僅尺度Size做大了, 在剪裁上也改良 讓整件衣服的感覺更時尚! 讓我簡單介紹一下這件衣服的一些特點😆😆 在拉鍊邊緣有大量的閃鑽 只要你一拉開拉鍊,就能瞬間引起全場矚目✨✨ 這個拉鍊還是雙向拉鍊,上下都可以拉開,操作非常順暢🙌🏻🙌🏻 最考手工的部分就是帽子😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 要把貓的圖案完美的對齊 而且整頂帽子都鑲滿閃鑽 這需要經過繁複的手工處理才能完成 衣服做出來的效果非常閃耀奪目 也是因為手工比較繁瑣,所以我們每次只能生產少量😫😫😫 面料採用100%純棉,非常柔軟,就像平時你們穿帽T的面料一樣 再給大家一下尺碼參考😻😻 胸圍120cm 長度67cm (闆娘身高155cm) I am pleased to introduce one of our best-selling products to you 🩷🩷 I believe that everyone is already very familiar with this product ‼️‼️ However, this time we are launching an upgraded version 😏😏 What are the differences compared to the previous version⁉️⁉️ ✅ bigger size cutting ✅ Improved collar that can cover the entire neck, keeping you warmer ✅ Added more detailed craftsmanship ✅ New color option Many of our fans previously mentioned that the sizing was a bit small, so we also conveyed your feedback to the Japanese headquarters 😍😍😍 After receiving our customers' suggestions, the headquarters took immediate action 😂😂😂 This time, not only has the size been expanded, but the tailoring has also been improved Making the whole outfit feel more fashionable! Let me briefly introduce some of the features of this garment 😆😆 There are a large number of rhinestones along the zipper edges As soon as you unzip it, you can instantly attract everyone's attention ✨✨ This is also a two-way zipper, which can be opened upward and downward, making it very smooth to operate 🙌🏻🙌🏻 The most difficult part is the hat 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 The cat pattern needs to be perfectly aligned, and the entire hat is covered in rhinestones This requires extensive handcrafting to accomplish The final effect of the garment is extremely dazzling and eye-catching Due to the intricate craftsmanship, we can only produce a small quantity each time 😫😫😫 The fabric is 100% cotton, very soft, just like the material of a hoodie you would normally wear Here is a size reference for you 😻😻 Bust 120cm, Length 67cm (Model height 155cm)

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