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* CLF Catsfriends Paris L/Tee




🌟 講到2024年,最受期待的盛事當然是奧運會啦! 今年來自不同國家的運動員們在賽場上表現得真是驚艷,讓人熱血沸騰! 為了慶祝這個主題,我們Pebbly特別設計了一款超可愛的T恤🩷🩷。這款T恤隱約印著“Paris Game”的字樣,搭配我們經典的Catsfriends設計,充滿了設計感👍🏻👍🏻。 我們的設計師喜歡搭配不同顏色,所以這次的設計也加入了多種配色元素,仔細一看,字母的顏色都都不同,絕對讓你眼前一亮! 這款T恤的剪裁是大家都愛的長版,試穿後發現它不僅能完美遮住小肚子,還非常適合搭配內搭褲,真的是懶人必備的好物😍😍😍。 我平時穿M碼,這款穿上去相當寬鬆;就算是平時穿XL的朋友們,也能輕鬆駕馭👍🏻👍🏻。 過幾天我會發一段影片,讓大家看看這件衣服的實際大小,放心,這款連孕媽媽都能輕鬆駕馭哦⭕️⭕️! 這款T恤採用改良過的100%棉質,質地挺括、不容易變形,透氣性也超好👍🏻👍🏻。我個人特別推薦黃色和卡其色,這兩種顏色都是秋季的完美選擇👍🏻! 如果你不想煩惱搭配,黑色也是個很棒的選擇🤣🤣🤣。 在大家迫不及待想下單的同時,這裡有一些產品資訊: - **材質**:100% Cotton - **尺寸**:均碼 - **胸圍**:140cm,長度:70cm - **顏色**:黑色、芥末色、卡其色 🌟 When it comes to 2024, the most anticipated event is definitely the Olympics! This year, athletes from different countries have truly impressed us on the field!! To celebrate this theme, we at Pebbly have designed an adorable T-shirt🩷🩷. This T-shirt features the words “Paris Game” subtly printed, paired with our classic Catsfriends design !! 👍🏻👍🏻 Our designers love to mix and match colors, so this design showcases a fun variety of color elements. You’ll notice that the letters come in different color combinations across three awesome T-shirt colors. This T-shirt has a long cut that suits everyone. After trying it on, I found it perfectly covers my tummy and pairs wonderfully with leggings—definitely a must-have for those lazy days! 😍😍😍 Made from 100% cotton, this T-shirt is super comfortable and breathable! 👍🏻👍🏻 I personally recommend the yellow and khaki options—they're absolutely perfect for autumn! 🍂👍🏻 Here’s some product info: - **Material**: 100% Cotton - **Size**: Free Size - **Chest Width**: 140cm, Length: 70cm - **Color**: Black, Mustard, Khaki
