$520 情人節組合套裝 仙人掌M Size布袋+閃閃斜揹帶

精選商品,任選買1件或以上8 折


購買指定3款商品及達到指定數量或以上即享HKD 1,086.00減免優惠

購買指定2款商品及達到指定數量或以上即享HKD 768.00減免優惠

精選商品,任選買5件HKD 450.00


購買指定3款商品及達到指定數量或以上即享HKD 239.00減免優惠

精選商品,任選買1件或以上7 折


購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨、國際送貨 )

* Catsfriends CLF Dots XL Bag

顏色 Color



Catsfriends 彩色點點XL Size 旅行布包 是您外出旅行的最佳伴侶。 它採用優質棉質帆布製成,結實耐用,並且容量很大,還能負重。它還可以摺疊放在行李箱內。 這款旅行包非常大,可容納大家逛街血拼完的戰利品,包括衣服、鞋子、洗漱用品和其他隨身物品。包包兩旁還有小布圈,可以搭配自己喜歡的肩帶,讓您可以輕鬆地打造獨特時尚的造型 這款旅行包的設計經典也時尚,它搭配了明亮的彩色點點圖案,讓您在人群中脫穎而出。 這款旅行包絕對是任何旅行者的必備品。 **產品特點** * 由優質棉質帆布製成,結實耐用 * 可以清洗,輕鬆收納在行李箱內 * 非常大,可容納所有必需品,而且可以負重 * 可搭配自己喜歡的肩帶,讓您可以輕鬆地將其攜帶 * 時尚的設計,讓您在旅途中打造獨特時尚的造型 **使用提示** * 在旅行前,請確保將所有必需品都裝入包中。 * 將易碎物品放在包的中間,以確保它們不會被損壞。 * 使用可拆卸的肩帶將包掛在肩上,以便您可以輕鬆地將其攜帶。 * 托運行李超重的時候就可以大派用場,把東西手提到飛機上 100%純棉 尺寸高35 cm寬47至68 cm側寬20 cm The Catsfriends Polka Dot XL Size Travel Canvas Bag is the perfect companion for your trips and travels. Made of high-quality cotton canvas, this bag is sturdy, durable, and has a large capacity that can withstand heavy loads. It can also be folded and stored in your luggage. This travel bag is incredibly spacious, allowing you to carry all your shopping hauls, including clothes, shoes, toiletries, and other personal items. It also features fabirc loops on the sides, allowing you to customize and attach your preferred shoulder straps for easy and comfortable carrying, enabling you to create a unique and fashionable look. The design of this travel bag is both classic and stylish, featuring bright polka dot patterns that will make you stand out in a crowd. This travel bag is an essential item for any traveler. **Product Features:** - Made of high-quality cotton canvas for durability - Easy to clean and can be conveniently stored in your luggage - Spacious, with the ability to accommodate all your essentials and withstand heavy loads - Can be customized with your preferred shoulder straps for easy carrying - Stylish design, allowing you to create a unique and fashionable look during your travels **Usage Tips:** - Before your trip, make sure to pack all your essentials into the bag. - Place fragile items in the middle of the bag to ensure they are protected. - Use the detachable shoulder straps to hang the bag on your shoulder for easy carrying. - It can come in handy when your checked luggage is overweight, allowing you to carry items onto the plane. 100% cotton Dimensions: Height 35 cm, Width 47 to 68 cm, Side Width 20 cm
